Investigations and Blood Testing

Investigations are useful to give us more information about your general health. This information helps us to diagnosis, treat and monitor medical conditions. We offer an ever expanding list of investigations to cater for your healthcare needs.

Blood Testing

Appointment for blood testing – £60 A private blood test appointment fee costs £60 for the time to take the blood tests, equipment and processing of the samples and of results by the doctor. You will then also be charged for each individual test (see prices).  *For this appointment you should know exactly what blood tests you require. If you need advice on what blood tests are needed then please book a longer GP Appointment.

If as part of your GP appointment the plan is to carry out blood tests. Where time allows this will be carried out during your GP appointment however you may be asked to book a further appointment.

FeNO Testing

Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) is a novel medical test used to aid in the diagnosis and management of asthma. The test measures the level of nitric oxide in your breath. Nitric oxide is a biomarker for asthma and the measurement of this in your breath gives an indication of the level of inflammation in your airways. This can be used to aid in the diagnosis of asthma and the monitoring of your ongoing treatment plan.

The FeNO test is an easy and safe test for adults and children. You will take a deep breath in and then gently breath out through a hand held device with a filtered mouth piece for around 10 seconds. A measurement is then calculated by the machine and your results will be available straight away.

What Are The Benefits
of FeNO Testing?

If you have already been diagnosed with asthma, tracking your FeNO levels can:

Determine if your current management plan is working well and if your treatment should be altered

Identify what type of asthma you have

Track your airway inflammation over time

Tell your doctor if you have been taking your medicines correctly

Determine if your current management plan is working well and if your treatment should be altered

Identify what type of asthma you have

Track your airway inflammation over time

Tell your doctor if you have been taking your medicines correctly

If you have not been diagnosed with asthma, a FeNO test can:

Support your asthma diagnosis

Help your doctor know how well you may respond to treatment

Rule out other conditions that have symptoms similar to asthma

Support your asthma diagnosis

Help your doctor know how well you may respond to treatment

Rule out other conditions that have symptoms similar to asthma

Should I Get a FeNO Test?

A FeNO test may be helpful if:

You have respiratory symptoms that won’t settle but you don’t know if you have asthma

You have asthma but your medicines and treatment plan are not reducing your symptoms

PRICE: Consultation, FeNO test and management Plan: £170

24 Hour Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is becoming increasingly common in today’s Western World. It affects 1 in 3 adults in the UK. It can develop at any age however the risk increases with age. However it often goes undiagnosed as often patients have no symptoms, particularly earlier in the condition. Over time high blood pressure can damage the lining of your blood vessels which can increase your risk of vascular disease including heart attack and stroke. If you are aged over 40 you should consider having you blood pressure checked every 5 years.

If your single blood pressure reading is elevated, we can fit an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM) which measures your blood pressure as you go about your daily business at home and work. ABPM remains the gold standard for the accurate measurement of blood pressure in primary care. The clinically validated software then generates a report on return of the monitor and this can help your doctor to recommend treatment which may be lifestyle changes and / or medications if indicated.

PRICE: 24Hour blood Pressure monitoring with pre and post test consultation: £290

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028 4461 2737